We talked to Representative Heather Wilson just after she was appointed by Senior McCain Strategist Steve Schmidt to the Sarah Palin Truth Squad. We also got introduced to Mitt Romney. We'll wrap up the week with audio from both of these conversations.
Wilson talks to us about her role on the new McCain-Palin Truth Squad.She says Palin makes the GOP’sall-Western presidentialticket more appealing to voters in New Mexico.Wilson told “the word” she believes Obama’s appeal is fading because voters are taking a second look at the democratic candidate.
Wilson also responded to information revealed in lobbyist Kevin Ring’s federal indictment .He's already pleaded guilty. The indictment shows email correspondence between someone on her staff and the corrupt lobbyists connected to Jack Abramoff who's spending four years in prison. Wilson She says her office has strict rules regulating gifts, including tickets to Clippers games.
We also connected with former Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.He tells “the word” why he continues to advocate the McCain-Palin ticket.
U.S. Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman today advised that the Bush administration’s ongoing opposition should not dissuade Congress from moving forward on legislation authorizing Indian water rights cases in northern New Mexico.
Listen toDomenici questioning Interior Department witness on northern New Mexico water settlements legislation.
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee today received testimony on the Aamodt and Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act of 2008 (S.3381), legislation introduced by Domenici and Bingaman in July. Domenici serves on the committee, and Bingaman today testified at the hearing on behalf of the bill.
S.3381 would resolve Indian water rights claims associated with the Rio Pojoaque Basin (Aamodt case) and the Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement (Abeyta case).
At the hearing, Interior Department officials, as they have with other New Mexico Indian water settlements, explained the Bush administration’s opposition to S.3381—primarily citing cost concerns raised by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This opposition comes despite the fact that the two statements include an agreement by the state and local parties to contribute 33 percent of the implementation costs—a substantially higher percentage than other enacted settlements.
“I’m not very happy. After years of difficult negotiations, all the give and take, and all these very real changes to reach this point we only hear about opposition from the administration,” Domenici said. “We ought to approve this bill despite the administration’s opposition. We do not believe we can negotiate for any lesser amount of money and I believe the OBM is making some bad mistakes in its judgment of this bill.”
“The Bush administration’s opposition to this carefully negotiated bill is disappointing but not surprising. These settlements cost less and require a bigger state and local contribution than water rights settlements that this administration has supported in the past,” Bingaman said. “I see no reason for us to stop building support for our bill’s passage. We have a few weeks left in this session and Senator Domenici and I will work hard during that time to gain strong Congressional support for these important water settlements.”
S.3381—as well as a companion House bill (HR.6768) introduced by Congressman Tom Udall—is based on years of extensive negotiations between many parties, including Indian, local, state and federal parties.
The outcome of those talks, reflected in S.3381, will assure water resources for the pueblos while providing for the current and future water needs of non-Indian interests in north-central New Mexico. It would also resolve litigation that has been pending in the federal courts since the 1960s.
The bipartisan legislation would authorize the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation, to develop water infrastructure in the Rio Grande Basin, and to approve the settlement of the water rights claims of the Nambé, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, Tesuque and Taos pueblos.
The Aamodt settlement includes the construction of a regional water system in and around Santa Fe County that will benefit the pueblos and their non-pueblo neighbors. Project construction plus other benefits to the pueblos are expected to cost the Federal government approximately $160 million within the next decade. The state of New Mexico and Santa Fe County are expected to contribute approximately $117 million towards the cost of the project.
Implementing the Taos Settlement requires funding a number of small projects to help improve water use efficiency; groundwater management; and improve water quality in the Taos Valley. The pueblo will also receive direct funding to manage its water resources. In total, the Taos settlement is expected to cost the Federal government approximately $114 million. The state of New Mexico is expected to contribute another $20 million to the effort.
The Aamodt-Abeyta settlement legislation represents two of the three pending Indian water settlements pending in New Mexico. In April, the lawmakers introduced legislation to authorize the settlement reached to resolve the Navajo Nation’s water rights claims in the San Juan River Basin.
At today’s hearing, testimony was also received from Charles J. Dorame, chairman of the Northern Pueblos Tributary Water Rights Association, and Gilbert Suazo Sr., councilman, Taos Pueblo.
Democratic Martin Heinrich is also rolling out a new spot on Friday.
Heinrich is on the attack. The spot attempts to link his Republican opponent Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White to President George Bush's energy policies, and claims White will block any new investment in clean, energy efficient technologies. Heinrich advocates an Apollo-style project to rid America of its addiction to oil.
The biographical ad highlights Darren White’s 20+ years of public service, from his time in the United States Military and Cabinet Secretary to his duty as a police officer and the two-term elected Sheriff of Bernalillo County. The ad will re-introduce Darren to the citizens of New Mexico, and provide information on Darren’s independence, experience, and leadership.
Republican Party Chairman Allen Weh and Democratic Party Chairman Brian S. Colón released a joint statement on the 7th Anniversary of Sept. 11th, and attended a memorial mass together at Albuquerque's Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Party Chairmen's statement:
"Seven years ago today, America suffered an unprovoked attack that will forever be etched in Americans' minds. In Albuquerque today, New Mexicans come together at Sacred Heart Church to remember those who were lost not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans.
We honor the memory of each and every American who died in New York, at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania that day.
We also offer a prayer for all the families and friends who have lost loved ones in the attacks of 9/11 and in the service of their country.
We give thanks for the firefighters, police, and all emergency responders who set a heroic example of selfless service that day, many of who lost their lives, and many of whom continue to serve their communities so well.
Lastly, we salute the men and women who serve today in defense of the freedom and security that came under attack on that terrible day."
In 2002, the Sacred Heart Church of Albuquerque received two 20-foot steel beams from the fallen World Trade Center. The church used the two beams to construct a new bell tower. Today it stands as a memorial to the victims of September 11th. The Sacred Heart Church was established in 1903."
On Monday, 770KKOB morning man Bob Clark invited me to be a guest on his show to talk about my brief news radio interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin the day before in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I actually scooped network news veteran Charlie Gibson. He was given the first "official," and hopefully extensive interview, with the GOP Vice Presidential Candidate. It airs tonight on ABC.
Listen to Bob have some fun talking about how much trouble I got in to with the secret service, and Palin's press handlers at El Pinto Restaurant on Sunday.
Staffers working on Steve Pearce's U.S. Senate campaign are responding to the allegations made Wednesday by the Center for Responsible Ethics In Washington. We reviewed the report and agree that CREW should replace the R in their name to R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S instead of Responsible. The center's claims have proven false and are only being used now to stop the gains Pearce is making in his U.S. Senate race against Democrat Tom Udall.
The allegations by CREW were proven demonstrably false last year. We have letters from both the House Ethics Committee and the BLM clearing us of those baseless allegations.
It's clear CREW is out of step and making partisan reports to undermine the campaign of Republicans who are all gaining momentum.
The Chairman of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition was proud to endorse Steve Pearce for U.S. Senate this month, noting the congressman's dedication to veterans, the war in Iraq and national security.
Chairman John J. Molloy, who like Pearce is a Vietnam War veteran, said the coalition chooses to endorse candidates who have a record of supporting veterans and members of the armed forces, securing our nation's borders, preventing illegal immigration and achieving energy independence.
"We're very satisfied with what he has done," Molloy said. "These are American issues and not Republican or Democrat issues."
Molloy said the coalition also based its endorsements upon the ratings given by the Center For Security Policy. The CSP's 2005 - 2006 National Security Scorecard rated Steve Pearce 88 points out of 100 based upon his voting record of supporting national security issues. In contrast Tom Udall was give a 12 point rating.
Molloy, who is also a survivor of the Sept. 11, 2001 and Feb. 26, 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center, said now more than ever America needs those who are willing to stand up and do what is right to keep the nation safe and secure. On 9/11 Molloy's firm was located in Tower Two and he lost 95 friends and co-workers during the attacks.
'This is what we are all trying to do, we're all trying to protect our country," he said.
In response Steve Pearce said "Securing of our nation is something that every veteran feels they can never stop doing, even when the war is over.
"Receiving this endorsement from my brothers and sisters-in-arms is a privilege that I will never take for granted. They will always have my support."
The coalition represents more than 80 veterans organizations and veterans advocacy groups, made up of about 250,000 veterans and their family members totaling more than 2 million voters nationwide.