Insights from Peter St. Cyr's reporter notebook.
Republican Congressional Candidate Darren White is back in his suite after thanking his supporters for their hard work in his overwhelming victory.
Unofficial results: White, 16,345 - Carraro 7,880.
I was invited upstairs for an one-on-one interview with Mr. White. He tells me he wants to talk about the issues in this fall’s campaign, but expect Democrats to run a negative campaign against him. At the same time White says Heinrich is too liberal and doesn't represent the interests of the first congressional district in New Mexico.
White says he hopes to “shake things up in Washington, D.C.”
If elected he’ll be the third sheriff serving in congress. Listen to his comments here.
8:20 pm
Rep. Heather Wilson arrived at the Hotel Albuquerque (Old Town), which is the Republican's headquarter hotel, just after 8pm. Wilson told reporters it’s not difficult for her wait for results in a tight election. She says all of her races have been close. I asked her what she told her children before coming to the hotel. She smiled and said, "I told them to put their shoes on."
Steve Pearce will fly back to Washington at 6am on Wednesday morning. Tonight, he's watching results at the Albuquerque Hilton. He says he campaigned all day trying to get out the undecided votes in Bernalillo and Sandoval County.