Richard Romero filed his first campaign contribution and signature report yesterday as required for mayoral candidates seeking to qualify for public financing under the Clean and Ethical Elections law. He submitted a total of 1,007 $5 qualifying contributions and 1,388 nominating petition signatures to the city clerk. Four more reports are due by the March 31 deadline. At that time publicly financed candidates will have had to turn in 3,287 $5 qualifying contributions from Albuquerque voters in order to receive public financing.
Romero says,
I am proud to be running as a Clean Election candidate. Through their $5 contributions, voters are sending a powerful and reaffirming message that they want to change the political campaign culture in New Mexico. They're saying that elected officials should be beholden to the average, every day citizen - not the big moneyed special interests.
Each day our campaign is picking up momentum. We are building a strong and motivated grassroots effort, and we're well on our way to reaching the contribution and signature requirements.
Romero is on record as an advocate of public financing since he served in the State Senate. In 2005, he fought for the successful passage of the Albuquerque Clean Elections law.
Romero's Change Agenda focuses on job creation, cleaning up city hall and cutting government waste, improving education, and smarter strategies for combating crime.
Candidates are required to turn in weekly reports to the City Clerk each Friday leading up to the March 31 deadline to track their progress in collecting contributions.Richard is a former teacher and principal. He served as President Pro Tem of the NM state Senate from 2001 to 2004. He is from Albuquerque's Barelas neighborhood and lives downtown with his wife, Margie.
Richard is facing City Councilors Debbie O'Malley and Michael Cadigan, Rep. RJ Berry, and Rob Dixon. Mayor Marty Chavez has not declared whether he will seek a fourth term as mayor.
Albuquerque's municipal election will be held on October 6, 2009.
Richard Romero’s Steering Committee (still in formation): State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, State Senator Cisco McSorley, State Rep. Mimi Stewart, State Senator Eric Griego, State Senator Tim Keller, former State Senator Tito Chavez, former U.S. Senator Fred Harris, Veronica Garcia, New Mexico Sec. of Education, Danny Hernandez, AMAFCA Director, Blair Kaufman, CNM Board, Carmie Toulouse, CNM Board, Lorenzo Garcia, APS Board, Ralph Arellanes, Lydia Ashanin, Pat Baca, Mercy Berman, Fabrizio Bertoletti, Dr. Mustafa Beyyette, Eleanor Bratton, Dr. Teresa Brito-Asenap, Pat Bryan, Phil Ewing, Ramona Torres Ford, Michelle Garcia, Robert Garcia, Richard L. Gonzales, Earl Holmes, Lou Hoffman, David Kleinfeld, Ted Martinez, Mary Molina Mescall, Dr. John Mondragon, Bill Moye, Toots Obenshain, Michael Passi, Dr. Steve Pilon, Kim Posich, Stephanie Poston, Tey Diana Rebolledo, Giovanna Rossi, Frank Sedillo, Orlie Sedillo, Orlando Vigil, Gregory Webb, Ann Yegge, Kim Zamarin.
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