Incumbent Mayor Martin J. Chavez has picked up another endorsement in his re-election bid for a record fourth term, and third straight campaign for Mayor of Albuquerque.
Just before noon today, members of the Albuquerque Police Officers Association publicly stated they're backing Chief Ray Schultz' boss. That makes it a clean sweep for Chavez. He has already won endorsements from
AFSCME Council 18 and from city fire fighters in the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).
The President of the Albuquerque Police Officers Association Joey Sigala said the mayor has an unmatched, proven record of being tough on crime:
He's a strong leader with a vision for our future. That's why the APOA is proud to endorse him.
Chavez said he wished everyone in Albuquerque got to see the men and women of the APD the way he gets to see them. He says one of his goals is to form power teams in each of the six area commands. Chavez said the compensation package for officers is the best in the state and one of the best in the region.
In his brief speech, Chavez said, "I've got their back and I'm so pleased to have their back today."
Mayor Martin Chávez with the USA's top cop U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, center, with Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske, seated left, at the June 5, 2009, Homeland Security Advisory Council Meeting at the University of New Mexico hosted by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.Earlier this month, Chavez
ordered APD to add another 100 officers to its 1100-member force. The announcement marked the third time Chávez has ordered the police department to increase its ranks. But in years past, the department has had a hard time reaching the new goals because of
a lack of qualified applicants.
Chávez has not specified where the money to pay for the officers would come from, although he said 25 percent of the cost would be funded by the federal COPS Hiring Recovery Program. As for the rest, he said the city will leave nonpublic safety positions vacant.

Richard Romero
told 770KKOB it "appears the mayor is manipulating the process" of endorsements. He said the APOA membership didn't get to vote on all three candidates, and said, "hey, this is machine politics, what else can you expect."