On Saturday morning, I was up early, and out at the hot air balloon field in Albuquerque, for the start of the 37th Annual International Balloon Fiesta. There are 621 pilots registered this year.
ABC Radio hired me to file this report.
Insights from Peter St. Cyr's reporter notebook.
The president is expected to sign the bill as soon as he receives it.
The proposal, which is contained in an economic recovery package, takes two significant steps for New Mexico: it expands and extends the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, increasing payments to New Mexico counties under the program next year from less than $2.4 million to about $21 million. That program supports counties that rely economically on national forest lands. The bill also fully funds the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program, which compensates counties that have extensive federal land that cannot be a source of property taxes.
Bingaman worked with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and other key members of the Senate to develop and pass the proposal.
"I've been working to increase PILT and Secure Rural Schools funding for New Mexico for years," Bingaman said. "I'm certain this funding will be put to good use by communities across our state."
The proposal would provide about $2.1 billion through 2012 to fund counties with National Forest lands under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (commonly referred to as the "county payments" program). It is estimated that New Mexico would receive a total of more than $70 million during 2009-2012 under the program. New Mexico had received less than $2.4 million annually under the program, which expired in October of last year.
The proposal also ensures full-funding for PILT through 2012. Bingaman has sponsored legislation for several years that would make full funding for PILT mandatory. Because the federal formula leads to different funding levels each year, it is difficult to predict the exact amount New Mexico would receive. But full-funding for PILT would provide about a 35 percent increase in total funding for the program. New Mexico is one of the largest beneficiaries of the program, with thirty-two New Mexico counties receiving a total of nearly $22.5 million in PILT payments this year.
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Four days ago, I opposed a bailout plan that did too little for homeowners, too much for executives, and nothing to prevent Wall Street from repeating the mistakes that got us into this crisis. The core bailout bill brought before the House today is almost identical. It will still put New Mexico and U.S. taxpayer on the hook for $700 billion to bail out Wall Street, the very people whose irresponsibility helped to undermine America's economy and threaten the jobs and life savings of millions of American families.
Make no mistake: America faces a serious crisis, and we must do something. But we cannot let fear and artificial timelines drive our decision-making. Our solution should meet the demands of the day without producing more economic hardships in the future.
The core proposals of the bill sent from the Senate still have the same significant and fundamental flaws as the bill the House rejected. For example, under this proposal:
· The Treasury is given unprecedented power to spend taxpayer money without adequate oversight or an actual plan for fixing the systemic problems that led America to this crisis.
· Corporate executives who ran their companies into the ground can still walk away with millions in taxpayer-funded golden parachutes and lavish compensation packages.
· Taxpayer dollars are being spent to bail out foreign companies whose governments are doing nothing.
· Little is being done to help responsible homeowners. Tens of thousands of families could lose their homes. More importantly, families who had nothing to do with failed mortgages could lose billions in assets as foreclosures continue to drive down property values.
Unfortunately, the Senate has chosen to add unrelated provisions rather than concentrating on fixing this deeply flawed proposal. My vote today does not suggest any disagreement with the important package of tax cuts that was added in the last few days. I have consistently supported tax cuts for the middle class, including fixes for the Alternative Minimum Tax. I have long advocated for mental health parity legislation, and voted for it repeatedly. I have fought for tax credits to spur green industries and produce jobs. And I have worked to protect the Secure Rural Schools and Payment In Lieu of Taxes programs that would be extended by this bill. These proposals should be voted on based on their own strong merits, and not forced into a $700 billion taxpayer bailout—a plan that will have a large and widespread impact for generations—that has been rushed through with serious flaws and many problems left unaddressed.
Regardless of whether or not this legislation passes, Congress must work on a new framework for our financial system. In this hour of crisis, we have a rare opportunity to protect future generations from the turmoil we have seen. We must seize this opportunity, not simply bail out the very people who created this crisis."
Today's vote was difficult, but I believe it is what's right for New Mexico's Third Congressional District and the people of New Mexico and our nation.”
It continues to be important for Congress to act to stabilize our financial markets. A failure of our financial system will hurt every American who has a 401(k) or needs a car loan or can't close on the house they want to buy because banks are stopping lending to banks.
There are also some important tax provisions in this bill that will also help boost our economy. For example, the package includes an extension of the patch of the Alternative Minimum Tax. Congress recognized that the failure to act would unacceptably drag twenty-one million additional families into the AMT’s clutches based on their 2008 income, with the total tax increase on American families exceeding $62 billion.
It also extends the now-expired research and development tax credit, which encourages cutting edge research – and the good jobs it supports – to be conducted here in the U.S. This provision is particularly good for New Mexico.
Greg Trapp, Executive Director of the New Mexico Commission for the Blind, said the protest is necessary.
"While I am disturbed by the offensive depiction of blindness, I am especially concerned that this movie will be distributed to nations where these depictions will be seen as reality, and not merely Hollywood fantasy. There are nations where the blind are the target of insidious discrimination and even violence. This movie will encourage such discrimination and violence. In some third world societies where blindness is thought to be a curse, This is not harmless entertainment," declared Trapp.
"As a broadcaster and journalist I have a long record of opposing censorship," said Art Schreiber, Chair of the Commission for the Blind, and longtime broadcaster. "I am also opposed to movie portrayals that foster negative images of minorities and persons with disabilities. This movie crosses the line from legitimate entertainment to something that is clearly inappropriate. This movie would never be produced if these images were based on a physical characteristic other than blindness," said Schreiber.
"It saddens me that Disney has released a movie that is so degrading to blind people," remarked Tonia Trapp, President of the Albuquerque Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind.
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White earlier admitted he had complained to both Attorney General Gonzales' Chief of Staff at the Department of Justice and Senator Pete Domenici about Iglesias, who subsequently said that White was part of "a political chorus that got to Pete Domenici." [Albuquerque Journal, 4/15/07, 4/19/07]But the White campaign quickly released this unedited letter from Albuquerque Journal Editor Ken Walz to White retracting some of the reporting:
Sheriff White:
I have reviewed our David Iglesias stories with investigative reporter Mike Gallagher.
It appears that in a story published April 15, 2007, we incorrectly placed you in a convesation [conversation] with Kyle Sampson of DOJ during a meeting in the spring of 2006. We reported that you complained to Sampson about Iglesias and that Sampson produced statistics showing Iglesias was doing a good job.
In fact, based on other reporting, it appears to us the participants in that conversation with Sampson were Pat Rogers and Mickey Barnett and that you were not present.
Your [You] met with Sampson in 2005 on a different topic, although Iglesi [Iglesais] as came up during casual discussion. We have no information that you registered complaints about Iglesias during that meeting.
We did interview you for the story published in April of 2007, and you commented on other matters involving direct dealings between Iglesias and youir [your] office. We no longer have notes from this period, so we cannot cite to additional specifics.
Kent Walz
cc: Mike Gallagher
In this transcript from the Albuquerque Journal Article Herrera clearly tells the reporter she'd like a federal investigation into problem voter cards:
County Clerk Mary Herrera said she is also getting forms that are only partially completed. When a clerk's employee calls the voter to fill in the blanks, the person sometimes says he or she never filled out the form, Herrera said. She said she, too, wants the U.S. Attorney's Office or state prosecutors to get involved. "We have a pile (of forms) that we are questioning," Herrera said in an interview. "They're just suspicious."
770KKOB News Director Pat Allen recorded a 2nd telephone interview with Mr. Iglesias. The former Navy Jag, told Allen, this investigation will be complicated, but he believes even the "high and mighty" face consequences.
Iglesias is lecturing at Saint Anselm College (the site of Presidential debates). He's been on tour promoting his book, In Justice: The Scandal That Rocked the Bush Administration since the first week in June.
He was invited by University of New Mexico Professor David Albright and will lecture students at a Business Ethics class this week. Iglesias did not know how many book have been sold, but told us the tour will end next month, on October 9th, at Yale University.
Tripp Jennings has more on this story at the New Mexico Independent.
And you can read the complete Department of Justice report online here.
UPDATED - 3:50pm
Visit page 188 in the report (linked above) to read details outlining the possible involvement by several high ranking New Mexico Republicans. Iglesias has accused Senator Pete Domenici, Rep. Heather Wilson, Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White, Mickey Barnett and Pat Rogers of requesting the White House fire Iglesias for prolonging voter fraud investigations and delaying indictments in the Bernalillo County Metro Courthouse construction corruption trial.
UPDATED - 4:00pm
Sen. Pete Domenici's attorney K. Lee Black has just released a statement regarding the report.
Domenici's lawyer says: The report is complete with innuendos that pass as findings. He also claims the six-term retiring Senator offered to respond to questions in writing during the report's compilation.
Black writes:
The Senate Ethics Committee has already investigated and rejected the allegation that Senator Domenici may have obstructed or otherwise interfered with an ongoing criminal investigation.
After an exhaustive review, taking sworn testimony from numerous witnesses and reviewing thousands of pagers of documents in the process, the Ethics Committee found “not substantial evidence that [Senator Domenici] attempted to improperly influence an ongoing investigation.” Indeed, even Mr. Iglesias himself has conceded that Senator Domenici did not attempt to obstruct his investigations, “I doubt [Senator Domenici] called me to interfere with the courthouse cases” and the Senator “never directly pressured me to take action” on voter fraud cases
To read the rest of the statement click on the photo image to the left.
Iglesias told Heather Clark with the Associated Press he thinks criminal investigations should be pursued against Domenici, Wilson and anyone else who may have broken federal criminal laws.I've said all along that these moves were improper and illegal and now it appears that they were criminal as well.
Our complaints weren't just complaints of disgruntled former employees.
Photo Credit: MG Bralley
"We know from past experience that con artists follow the headlines to exploit the worries of everyday investors," said Bruce R. Kohl, director of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department Securities Division.
"In times of confusion and uncertainty, there are always those who will try to prey on the investing public," Kohl said. "Investors should resist the temptation to make hasty decisions about their investments or finances. And now is the time to be especially wary of unsolicited financial advice offering new investment opportunities."
Kohl urged investors to make informed decisions about their long-term financial holdings and to seek the advice of a trusted investment adviser or financial planner before making any sudden moves with their money.
Kohl offered the following tips for investors: