Campaign treasurer Chet Goodwin reported Johnson raised a little more than $180,000 between announcing his campaign in mid-April through July 15, and spent nearly all of it. The campaign reported $6,000 cash on hand.
Johnson, an avid outdoorsman, may want to consider touring on his cycle, pitching a tent or making reservations with a budget hotel along the campaign trail, because the report indicates he has racked up more than $227,000 in debts and other obligations.
Johnson lags behind Republican front-runners Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachman and Ron Paul.
Romeny reported raising $18 million...well ahead of Paul's $4.5 million, Pawlenty's $4.3 million, and Bachman's $3.6 million.
President Barack Obama raised more than $46 million.
In New Hampshire this weekend, Johnson said he plans to compete in the 38th Annual Stratham Fair Road Race, speak to students at Dartmouth College, and attend campaign events in Keene, Freedom, Dover, Conway and Exeter.
Johnson's probably wishing CNN would have invited him to the first big GOP debate, where he might have been able to reach more potential donors.