Updated: With audio from news conference.
The word this afternoon from City Hall is that a new group of investors wants to restart Eclipse Aviation in the city.
The assets of the Albuquerque jet maker, which laid off around 800 employees in February when it filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, are set to be purchased by a new company called
Eclipse Aerospace.
That group is made up of several people that were involved with the old company, including jet owners and customers still waiting for their order to be filled. They have put down
$5 million in earnest money to buy the company and re-open it in Albuquerque where hangars are already available.
The new bid for the company has been submitted and a hearing for the motion will be held August 10 and the new company could be up and running as soon as August 24.
Albuquerque Mayor Martin J. Chávez said Friday
the new company plans to potentially rehire hundreds of Eclipse employees.