From a news release
ALBUQUERQUE, NM – On Friday, March 27, in an effort to follow up on legislation that passed during the recent 2009 legislative session, the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce sent a series of letters electronically to Governor Bill Richardson requesting that he sign or veto some seventeen bills.
Included in the Chamber's letters to the Governor was a request that he veto Senate Bill 649, which allows for the expungement of all misdemeanor criminal records as well as other crimes specifically identified in the legislation.
"Members of the business community should always have the ability to access information on a prospective employee as to whether or not they have a criminal record especially in an area related to the position for which the employee is being considered. This does not mean businesses will not hire individuals with a previous criminal record, but they have a right to know when they are making that decision," said Chamber Chairman Don Chalmers.
Other bills on which the Chamber has expressed their position to the Governor include asking him to sign House Bill 31 which moves auto theft from the traffic code to the criminal code, Senate Bill 467 to provide TIDD financing authorization for the Winrock/Quorum project, Senate Bill 116 to limit campaign contributions and House Bill 393 to open legislative conference committees to the public.