The 2nd Judicial District Attorney, Democrat Kari Brandenburg, sailed to election victories in 2000 and 2004. This year, despite a coordinated attack by a serious Republican opponent, Brandenburg is making the case for re-election.
The District Attorney told us her office seeks justice and applies the law equally to everyone while developing partnerships with law enforcement, the courts, and attorneys.
Brandenburg has received the endorsement of all the top law enforcement associations, including the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Deputies Association, The Chicano Police Officer's Association and the APOA.
Take a moment to listen to her speak about her qualifications, program successes and goals for a third term here.
During the interview, Brandenburg explains her Early Case Resolution program and how it is holding criminals immediately accountable, the mether initiative, and her office's felony DWI conviction rate. Brandenburg says she's got a 95% conviction rate in Felony DWI cases and the lowest dismissal rate in the state.
Brandenburg, who supports the death penalty, also talks about her victory, earlier this year, in district court, against the Capital Jury Project. That group tried to get the death penalty thrown out of consideration in accused deputy killer Michael Paul Astoraga's case. The matter is now being appealed to the state's Supreme Court.
Since becoming district attorney in Bernalillo County Brandenburg says she's developed programs and partnership with law enforcement agencies including an Auto Theft Task Force. the courts and defense attorneys. She's proud of the $6.2 million in grant money awarded to her office, but say's if she's re-elected she'll go back to Santa Fe in January (during the legislature) to get even more resources for her busy office.
Brandenburg also tells us why she believes her office, and the court, made the right decision in offering a controversial plea deal to former Marine Elton John Richard.
Finally Brandenburg speaks out on the alleged voter registration fraud and her involvement in referring some cases directly to former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias.
1 comment:
Your kidding, right? Lost the EAST MOUNTAIN TRIPLE HOMICIDE, lets killers go free and we elected her to a THIRD term! We are to elect her for an EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM! Gimme a break. She might pounch on something, but certainly not on criminals.
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