Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Palin Photo Op Follies Hit Home for Local Reporter.

A few weeks ago, campaign media handlers chased me away from Alaska Governor Sarah Palin after I started a recorded interview with her on the garden patio at El Pinto restaurant in Albuquerque.

If you follow this blog you know our 32 second conversation ended just as fast as it began. Traveling Press Secretary Brooke Buchanan told me "thank you" and hustled me away. You probably also remember that a U.S. Secret Service agent instructed me to return to the bus (for bad reporters).

So, when I saw Jeanne Moist's video essay on Sarah Palin's Photo Op Follies I knew I had to share it with you here.

In a press pool we've learned that "thank you" means shut up and get out.

Listen to how many times you hear "thank you" around Palin's media handlers in this video.

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