Sunday, February 14, 2010

2010 voters likely to reject incumbents

Last week, Dr. Howard Dean visited students, faculty, and Democrat activists at a public event on the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque.

Reading polls and tracking public sentiment, Dean says it will be tough for the state's Democrats to keep its "all blue" congressional delegation in tact after the 2010 Election.

Incumbents in jeopardy

As Americans look ahead to the mid-term elections, they seem to be expressing the sentiment that anything new is preferable to anything old, -- such as an incumbent.

The real dynamic seems to be a revolt against insiders -- as voters say they would choose a challenger over an incumbent by a two-to-one margin (38 percent to 19 percent).

Americans dispense just about as much disdain for Republicans (42 percent favorable; 46 percent unfavorable) as Democrats (42 percent favorable; 48 percent unfavorable), according to a poll released nearly on February 5th.

On the other hand, the new kid on the block -- the Tea Party Movement -- fares better (35 percent favorable; 22 percent unfavorable), although more than four of 10 voters are unable to give an opinion or say they have never heard of the group.

It appears politicians of both parties had better take the Tea Party movement seriously, if for no other reason than voters see it as a legitimate phenomenon.

About half of voters (51 percent) think the Tea Party Movement is a “serious” group of people who believe government is too big and taxes are too high.

Still, one voter in five (20 percent) thinks Tea Partiers are on the “fringe” of politics with extreme right-wing views, while about a quarter (24 percent) is undecided.

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