Thursday, October 9, 2008

Frienemies...Governor Richardson Says President Clinton Holding a Grudge

Governor Bill Richardson told an NPR reporter that despite helping Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) raised $250,000 to help retire her presidential campaign debt his former boss Bill Clinton may be holding a grudge against him for endorsing Barack Obama.

Here’s what Richardson told Renee Montagne:
Have I heard from President Clinton? No. It could be a pretty much a permanent fissure. But that’s politics, that’s O.K. I did what I thought was best for the country. I’m still very fond of the Clintons. I’ve reconciled with her, but with him, he wants to keep a grudge, that’s fine with me. I move on. I’m governor of New Mexico, I’m happy where I am.

The New York Times political blog, The Caucus, has the all the details here.

Photo Credit: MG Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill Richardson is a man who could not support a woman over a man...
What was best for America was a woman who knows policy and the world in a way no other candidate ever has been able to: a First Lady who was involved in wonkish discussions with the former President, a woman who would not need him for advice because she had the former President by her side as "first advisor". Bill R. did what was best for himself. No one can doubt that he does not know one thing about loyalty. But, then, neither does Barack Obama. That's why I'm voting "present" as a protest vote and straight line Republican for all other candidates. This is from a democrat who plied the Congress and Senate with letters during Bill Clinton's administration in his support. This is a "radical" woman from the 60's. I know it will make little difference; however, the Democatic leadership needs to be reminded that not all of us are lemmings.

Dissatisfied in Florida, New Jersey and New York.