The annual event, on Central (from Girard to the NM Expo), comes one day after President Barack Obama's Justice Department filed a federal court brief supporting the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). You can read the brief here.
People here say they feel betrayed by the President. They tell us they simply demand their civil rights be recognized by the state. They want the same "marriage" benefits straight people enjoy, including access to partner social security benefits, health insurance and property. Barbara Wold, the editor of Democracy for New Mexico, and her partner Mary Ellen Broderick have been together for 19 years. Wold posted her opinion on the federal action, writing "this really hurts."
Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish led the parade and rode in the backseat of a convertible with one of her grandchildren. Her supporters walked the street urging people to support Denish's 2010 Democratic Gubernatorial primary campaign.
Albuquerque Mayor Chavez out on a Gay Pride Parade float. on 12seconds.tvA domestic partnership bill failed in the NM Senate earlier this year. Thousands of people are expected to watch the parade. We saw many having breakfast before the parade at businesses along Central with patios. They had a great front row seat to the parade spectacle.
Rainbow flags flying in ABQ Gay Pride Parade on 12seconds.tv
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