We've always wanted this to be a forum to run extended audio clips from our one-on-one talks with local and regional news makers.
During the week, the radio reports we file, at 770KKOB, are limited to less than a minute and usually only have time for one or two :08 to :12 second soundbites. We know you want to hear it all in context.
Today, we're posting two extended audio clips for you to hear. The first is with Lt. Governor Diane Denish. She outlines her rural economic recovery initiative rolling out this week.
The second audio clip, you must listen to if you've been following the tragedy of all the missing women found on the West Side.
Albuquerque Police Ray Schultz told us he expects investigators will complete their digging on the Westside graveyard sometime this week.
We're putting up two because we'll be back in the hospital on Monday for another ERCP, and then off the beat for a day or two. Hopefully, we'll be back to 100% after Monday's expensive trip to Lovelace.
Help Coming To Rural Areas to Access Federal Grant Monies.
Photo: MG Bralley

“We are all facing difficult economic times. Families in every corner of New Mexico are hurting. Often it is the smaller communities that are hit the hardest,” said Denish. “Creating Jobs and brining economic development to every corner of the state is my top priority."
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Note: Denish says $74-million dollars on the tape, but corrected herself after the news conference. It is Billions.
The Federal money contains three sources of aid to communities. Once source will be available through community grants. Denish says the money can be used to improve the plight of small towns during this economic turndown and wants to make sure government leaders, tribal governments, universities, and non-profit organization know how to apply for community grants.
On Monday, Denish will visit Cuba and Aztec. Tuesday, she’ll visit Farmington and Gallup. On Wednesday she’ll visit tribal leaders in Grants.
Last week, on Friday, Denish hosted a community meeting with advocacy groups, the media and law enforcement to determine how the groups can work together to help identify and find missing adults. Denish is proposing an adult style Amber-Alert System.
Photo: MG Bralley

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Schultz told us he expects that the case will be solved, but that it could take time. Schultz says when he started the task force for the mesa murder mystery case he deliberately picked some of his youngest and brightest detectives to work on the case alongside experienced investigators.
Surprisingly, the top law enforcement officer in Bernalillo County, Republican Sheriff Darren White was not invited to the meeting hosted by Democrat Diane Denish.
KOB TV's Investigative Reporter Jeremey Jojola has been chronicling the mesa murder mystery here. Also check out his personal website here.
Photos: MG Bralley

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