Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Upcoming Posts

Still ahead this week:

Former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias introduced his new book "In Justice" to a crowd of about 300 people at the Albuquerque Academy on Sunday. Visit the blog, on Thursday, to listen to his comments on the scandal that is rocking the Department of Justice and may affect the outcome of the U.S. Senate Campaign in New Mexico's G.O.P. Primary.

On Friday plan to visit the blog to hear directly from former U.S. Senator Fred Harris, a life-long At-Large DNC member, and 1976 presidential candidate. He tells us why he's supporting Barack Obama, and why he thinks New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is on the short list to be vice president.

Come back on Saturday for a bonus post. This weekend we'll post an exclusive interview with Sheriff Darren White. He's running for congress, but still on patrol in Bernalillo County. White says "win or lose" he'll be an advocate for crime victims for the rest of his life and remembers how hard it was on his father after his own grandfather was murdered.

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