Now, hundreds of New Mexicans who got tickets to go to Invesco Field too see Obama speak will be getting a little bonus.
Originally, Governor Richardson was scheduled to deliver his speech on foreign affairs on Wednesday. Now we've learned that Richardson was dropped from the prime time programming tonight because other speakers, including former President Bill Clinton ran over.
The Governor's Spokesman Pahl Shipley tells us the Governor has now been asked to speak on the final night of the convention at Invesco Field in front of 75,000 people and a national TV audience.
Our take is the Obama camp wants Richardson at Invesco because of his close connection to Colorado and because they think the election may be won or lost in the state.
Arguably it will be the biggest political night of Richardson's life. If he nails the speech he'll be the top contender to become Secretary of State, a job he's often said he wants.
Jennifer Engebretsen with the DNCC Press Office issued the following statement:
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s speaking role during Thursday night’s Convention program at INVESCO Field at Mile High:
"His speech has been moved from this evening to a featured speaking slot tomorrow at Mile High giving even more Democrats and supporters an opportunity to hear from Governor Bill Richardson, Because of such an enthusiastic audience response, the long-running schedule led the Democratic Convention to ask the governor if he would speak tomorrow and he graciously agreed. He will be speaking to 75,000 people and a nationally televised audience,"Photo and Editing MG Bralley
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